Sunday 3 May 2015

Unfriended- "Whats your favourite scary movie" - Not this one

Unfriended is a mess from the get go. Especially since the other weeks fantastic  It Follows. Unfriended is the story of a group of friends who have a skype video conference call on the year anniversary of their friends suicide (which they helped cause through bullying).
All of a sudden a strange user joins the skype call and starts playing games with the group, picking them off one by one. Ill get through the few things i liked and believe me it is a few. I enjoyed the way the entire movie is on the computer screen and the realistic way it is used. For example live leak is used to watch the girls suicide video which is a real website that may have videos like that. I also thought the last 2 minutes which were the only 2 to make me jump.
Now everything I hated. The movie dialogue is to cliched and frustrating to watch. This is because the movie found its popularity through sharing on Facebook meaning it was made for anoying teens, of whom are also the main characters in the movie. This leads into another issue, there was one good person in the movie. That was THE DEMON OF THE GIRL WHO DIED, thats right the bad guy is the only good guy. The group of teens are all terrible people which makes you root for the demon to kill all of them.
The final issue which is a big one is that its not scary (except for the last 3 minutes). The only thing that made me jump were the screams from the 16 year olds behind me at every thing in the movie. It wad more funny than scary.
In conclusion its just another shit cliché horror movie with unlikable characters and no scares.

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