Tuesday 12 May 2015


Here it is, the review of the infamous Fifty Shades of Grey, wow this movie is bad. There are so many things wrong with this movie i could write a book on how bad the film is and it would still he better than the original novel. To be honest what do you expect from a movie of which the inspiration came from twilighy erotic fan fiction.


The film is about an "innocent" whose lips must be really cracked because she seems to be bitting them the whole fucking movie. She meets Christian grey, a billionaire who has some interesting taste, in other words he is a guy with a fucked up childhood who likes to treat women as slaves, whip them and basically sexually torture them. As a man I like nudity in movies, sue me. But even these scenes were a bit cringe worthy.

The script in this movie is shit, the acting is shit. At the begining it was so bad it was funny, towards the end that feeling flew away and i just wanted to leave. The actor behind Christian Grey is terrible, I hated him, he is a shit actor and it shows. Dakota Johnson who plays Anna is a little better because she brings some humor to the role and I have liked her in previous roles but even towards the end she got a bit much to handle. 

In conclusion, the film is shit, the acting is shit, the sex scenes are shit, the script is shit and most of the humor is shit. Yet i still really want to watch the others just to see how this cluster fuck of a movie wraps up.



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