Sunday 24 May 2015

Jupiter Descending

I watched this for Mila Kunis.

I was disappointed. The basis of the movie is fantastic, Jupiter Ascending creates a really nice sci-fi universe. The Earth and some other worlds are owned by a number of different families which act like corporations. Once the world becomes overpopulated, the people are used to create a youth serum which keeps those living in the corporate society young for ever. The family controlling Earth is named the Abraxis family, and each of the three heirs of Abraxis is trying to gain control of Earth. However Jupiter Jones, who finds out that she is actually a reborn mother of the Abraxis siblings, and claimant to Earth. You're probably thinking, that actually sounds like a pretty good story. You're absolutely correct for saying that, and it's easily the best part of the movie. However it all goes down hill from there,

The script is poor, the characters never become interesting, they're all one dimensional, using lines to progress the story that just appear lifeless.

The script completely ruins the film, and it's hard to look past. However the action is really interesting, space battles, choreographed martial art duels, some weird technology, gravity boots etc. Then the special effects are pretty cool too.

This film had potential, if they fleshed out the characters more then it would have been great.



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