Sunday 10 May 2015

This is the End

Written and directed by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg "This is the End" is a movie that you either really love. Or really hate. There is no middle ground. Early on in the movie you find out that the actors are all playing a versions of themselves, this is evident when someone walks past and asks, "Hey, Seth Rogen, what up man?"

Jay Baruchel and Seth Rogen head to James Franco's house for a house party where they dance, do drugs, and all the other fun stuff you would expect at a Hollywood party. Other actors playing themselves include Craig Robinson, Emma Watson, Jonah Hill, Michael Cera, Rihanna, Jason Segel, David Krumholtz, Paul Rudd, Kevin Hart, and Evan Goldberg. These Hollywood actors satirize themselves and they all act unashamedly self-absorbed referring to their own movies.

This comedy turns to horror, when the Apocalypse takes place, some people are beamed up to heaven, while some fall into sink holes. Los Angeles is destroyed and turns to fire, with only Rogen, Franco, Baruhel, Hill and Robinson who attempt to safely survive in James Franco's Fortress.

This is the End falls into the Comedy Horror genre. However some people will find it funny, and others will find it incredibly stupid and idiotic.

The movie also references a large portion of Christian symbolism. This is interesting because over half the cast is Jewish, so it is hard to understand what they are trying to say about religion. However I'm probably looking to deep, it is probably just plot progression.

While the movie is funny, it's definitely not one of Rogens best.



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