Saturday 2 May 2015

Silver Linings Playbook, A Golden Success

Bradley Cooper, the Actor trapped in the perpetual spiral of Hangover Films as the 'cool guy' attracting the female audience... Or so we thought?

 The girl in those kids movies who plays Katniss Everdeen, the angsty, teenage Protagonist featured in a seemingly never ending tale of the Hunger Games chronicles, Jennifer Lawrence... Perhaps Not?

Silver Linings Playbook, Directed by David O. Russel is a modern hit film with an IMDB rating of 7.8/10 and a treasure trove of Film and Actor/Actress Awards to accompany it.
Exploring the impact of mental illness the story follows protagonist Pat (Cooper) as he is released from a mental health program and allowed to return home. Upon his arrival home he is invited to dinner with friends where he meets Tiffany (Lawrence). Pat and Tiffany don't seem to get along, however they are able to connect through their shared experience of heavy prescription medications and the adverse effects they can have. 

The Film later Delves into the way that people with mental health cope in different ways, and one aspect the film draws on is the alienation often felt by those labeled as Mentally Ill, despite Pat's Father (Robert De Niro) showing far more volatile and dangerous characteristics of Mental Health than Pat.

The Leading Pair received glowing critical acclaim for their work and the film was a cornerstone for both Lawrence and Cooper establishing them as far more versatile, than those in the industry had formerly thought. This display of complex character opened up a variety of new acting possibilities for the pair as both went on to feature in highly acclaimed filmed, a recent example of this is Cooper's work in American Sniper

Ultimately The film was something we have not seen from Cooper or Lawrence, however the brilliant work from both has lead to various Golden Globes, MTV Awards and Academy Awards. Unexpected, yet warmly welcomed roles for the two growing actors, a brilliant film exploring Mental Illness in a new light.

Critic rating 9/10

By: Brett

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