Tuesday 19 May 2015

An incredible viewing X-perience

American History X, Directed by Tony Kaye, American History X is an incredibly emotive story which deals with the concepts of Neo-Nazism, fraternal influence, cultural impacts and prejudice.
Set in the notoriously bad neighbourhood of Downtown Venice CA, the film follows the story of two brothers, Derek and Danny Vinyard, with Derek having just been released from prison for manslaughter and Danny on the verge of being expelled.

The film follows the changed state of mind of Derek as he comes to realise the anger and delusion which used to fuel his racist demenour. Derek soon realises (after his release) the influence his old self had on his brother,who saw him as a father figure after Dennis (father of the brothers) was murdered at a robbery.

the cultural questioning and introspective nature of this film make for an incredible viewing experience, with a powerful message and emotional plot. American History X has been revered as one the greatest movies of all time, and is rated #32 on IMDB. Definitely worth a watch, regardless of what genres you're into

Rating 10/10

By: Brett Riley

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