Tuesday 26 May 2015

Vlog Sign Off

Welcome to the final post for 50 Shades of Film. For our last post we have decided to each review one of our all time favourite films, and in honour of the media we have been reviewing, our final blog post is a Vlog. We have all chosen vastly different films which represents the diversity of interest in our group and we believe this makes for a more interesting and engaging audience experience (to gain insight from moviegoers with different interests and varied knowledge of various genres.

Our Vlog discusses the following films;

Fight Club
Pitch Perfect 2
The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift
Mr Holland's Opus

All films discussed in this video are reviewed similarly to the way we have been reviewing previously so the format is much the same, however the method of delivery is far different.

Click on the thumbnail to watch our Vlog post^^^^^

So thank you for checking out our blog, this is; Alex, Brett, Jordan, Khoa and Scott signing out for 50 Shades of Film.

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