Wednesday 22 April 2015

Avengers Assemble Again - Age of Ultron Review

Last night I saw the advanced screening of Joss Weadons new adition to the Marvel Cinimatic Universe. Avengers Age of Ultron sees the Avengers fighting the almost unbeatable villain Ultron (voiced by James Spader). I will avoid as much story information as possible but I will talk about the ups and downs of the film.

Avengers has a decent runing time, clocking in at almost 2 and a half hours, but it never seems enough. Time flys by so fast and you never want it to end. This movie has so much going for it its rediculous. The action is solid once again and the addition of QuickSilver and Scatlett Witch helps to keep it fresh. The last 20 minutes leave you breathless. At times the movie takes a much darker turn as Scarlett Witch initially takes advantage of the Avengers getting inside their heads and manipulating them. This gives us a good look into their past, especially Black Widow. As a whole i was glad to see Black Widow and Hawkeye get some more screentime, at times Hawkeye feels like the leader of the group which i am glad about because in past films he feels like a second thought. In fact it felt like all the heros got their time in the spotlight which made every character feel important.

Once again the humor is great in the film again and it never feels forced or out of place. Specifically an ongoing joke about something Captain America says in the begining. Joss Weadon has outdone himself, his ability to match action, humor and dark themes is the sign of an amazing Director. 

Lets talk about the acting in the film. It the sign of a fantastic actor when your actual body dosent need to be in the movie for it to be an incredible role. James Spader brings one of his most chilling, dark and ominous roles yet as the always one step ahead villain, Ultron. Downey Jr once again hits it out of the park as Tony Stark. The rest of the avengers including Chris Evans as Captain America, Aussie Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner and the amazing Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye. They all once again bring the characters to life. Even new additions like Aaron Taylor Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen as twins Pietro and Wanda Maximoff fit straight into thr universe. The fake Russian accents were annoying at first but the grew on me.

No film is without its flaws. I felt like there was a problem with continuation especially from Iron Man 3 where Tony Stark destroyed all of his suits and said he would never be Iron Man again. But in Avengers 2 he seems to have more suits and tech then ever which i felt was a little confusing. Also i felt that the relationship between Black Widow and Bruce Banner was a bit strange and random. Not saying it was bad but it felt a little unneeded. My final problem which is small but a personal issue, i felt like the ending did not establish the next film which will be Civil War as much as it should have. 

Overall this film was a fantastic additions to the MCU it would never match the joy of seeing the avengers for the first time ever on screen but nevertheless, small insignificant issues dont hold this movie back from being all round awesome.



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