Sunday 26 April 2015

A Horror fans dream - IT FOLLOWS

Before I start, I dont often watch horror movies. I have seen my fair share though, enough to know when one shakes up the genre. That movie is It Follows, the movie is about a girl who after sleeping with a boy that she has meet is told that he has now passed to her a demon just reffered to as "It". It is transmitted through sex and once it starts to follow the individual. It never stops. The scary part is that it walks, and never stops, it could look like anyone and wherever they are it is ALWAYS COMING. This is why the movie is so good because from the begining of the movie you are on edge the whole time. The movie dosent rely on jump scares but it builds tension, using its amazing 80s inspired techno soundtrack. The reason you are always scared is because "It" is always on its way and always coming closer, I was shaking the whole movie.
The acting in this movie is fantastic, all made up of relitivly unknown teenage actors due to the fact it is an indie movie. The cinematography is incredible as well, so many 360 degree views, which makes you always looking for one person walking in a strange way.
Another thing I loved was the way the by the end of the movie almost nothing is resolved, you still dont know what It is and everyone is still in the same situation as the begining. Thats what the Directors aim was, to make a movie that was not cliched and that you could never guess what was happening.
In summation, It Follows is a fantastic horror movie that at times can slow down a little bit and did have a few cheap scares but still is probably the best movie horror movie I have seen and will join the ranks of other horror greats throughout  the decades, it also had the best soundtrack of any movie.

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